viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

My Favourite Website

Omg.. is a little hard for me to choose a website that i enjoy visiting because i use a few number of websites, but between them, i can tell you about one: I'm sure that more than one of my classmates will choose the same website. The most important thing of this website is that you can upload some videos.I found it thanks to my brother that showed me a video of his favourite musical group, and then i started to search musical videos of the kind of music that i like. When i bored and alone in my house, i enter to this website to check some videos... and i like to see basketball videos, that motive me so much to play. My favourite video is this "".It shows Michael Jordan plays! is amazing jaja. Um.. this website is very useful too. For the university, i use some videos to study, those videos show very well the things that i need. That's all!.