viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

Session 1. My Favourite piece of Technology

Hi everyone. I'll write about my keyboard.

The keyboard is an amazing electric musical instrument that you can use in many kinds of music. I wont talk about the composition of it but i can tell you about my history with this piece of technology. During all my life, i have had 4 keyboard, the first just had one octave (I'm sure that you know the meaning of octave). When i was seven years old, my mother gave me this keyboard and she taught me a very happy song called "the dog's dance". Since that moment, i started to play easy songs just LISTENING and until this day, i do the same for learn a new song. I never wanted learn theory because i think that it is bored. The way that i use my present keyboard is just playing in my house in my free time. Sometime i join with a friend to play our favorites songs. I play music everyday; i love playing improvising music and sometimes, when i feel happy i write songs (...) I chose the keyboard because i like it so much and the reason that i like it, is because when i play anything, i feel that i'm in my own world, forgetting all the bad things that happen nowadays. I don't know how would be the life without this wonderful musical instrument but i'm sure, that is the best thing that makes me feel relaxed.

2 comentarios:


hi pato, i like very much your technology object, but y don't know hoy to play it, can you play me something? jajaja

greetings bye!

Unknown dijo...

hi pato!
you know how to play piano.. amazing.. me too! jajaja
see you in the university